Cutest Blog and Widdlytink

My Stick Family from

Feb 27, 2009

Fun in the Snow.

I don't have pics of this because it was sort of spur of the moment snow fun. We were actually headed into the house after getting back from shopping. Yesterday, I pulled in the driveway and saw that the snow had come off the roof, so I figured I'd shovel it before it froze like that. Of course, I could have left it to melt because it was FIFTY DEGREES today. Oh well, it was fun.

Xavier was asleep in the car and Mal and I were shoveling. Mal had a blast. He climbed the five foot snow mountain next to our driveway, he played with the neighbors Mastiff, Bartlett (Barklett, if you were to ask Mal), then he decided it was time to start a snowball fight. So every time he threw snow at me, I would gently nudge him with my shovel, knocking him into the snow pile and I would dump a shovelful of snow on him. Well, he loved it. His eyes were dancing, he was laughing and shrieking and instigating and having a good old time. It got to the point where he would throw the snow at me and run to the snow pile and throw himself down in it!

I also taught the boys to make snow angels this week. They keep dropping to the ground and making them everywhere! Including the living room floor and the toy aisle at the pharmacy. :D

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