Cutest Blog and Widdlytink

My Stick Family from

Feb 22, 2017

I'm such a Dork.

I was just looking over a few things on my other blogs.  I'm kind of trying to figure out how and if I want to combine the whole shebang into a single blog.  It just makes more sense now than it used to.  Anyway, over at Learning to Be a Light, I found this sitting in my drafts.

It's dorky, I know.  Today, after leaving a phone message for my own dad and before I called my stepdad, I called God.  On the phone.  Weird, huh?  I dialed a number I thought sounded godly and spoke to Him like I was leaving Him a message.  I spilled my guts.  I cried.  I asked Him to call me back.  The phone hasn't rung all night.  Bummer.

But I know he's there.  And He heard me.

It might be time to call my Heavenly Dad.   "Hello?  It's me again."

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