John, Katie, and their homeschooling family run a company called CrossTimber. I've seen them around before. I've thought about ordering gifts from them. But I never did. I'm actually not sure why, because I always have a little skip of joy in my heart when I find souvenirs with my name on them, *spelled correctly*. The Homeschool Review Crew members were offered a choice of items from CrossTimber that included the Personalized Framed Plaque with Name Meaning and Bible Verse, among other items.
Usually, with The Crew, we have few if any options; grade level, a particular language, choose one from a small selection... It's all pretty straight forward and simple. This time, the sky was the limit. Well, pretty much. Some of the choices included the aforementioned framed plaque, coffee mugs, book marks, *music boxes,* plaques with the names of God, first names, last names, TWO names... Not only did I have to decide what item to get, I needed to figure out who the recipient would be. You don't see any of the behind the scenes stuff, but The Crew was taking this whole thing all very seriously. We were bouncing ideas off of each other. Some of the great gift giving ideas we thought of were baby showers, Christenings, birthdays, graduations, weddings, and coming-of-age celebrations. Whew!
I even had a nice chat with John on their website, in the little chat box in the lower right corner. You should go there. You should chat with them. Anyway, John asked me to email him some of the names of people I was thinking about presenting the name meaning gift to. He thought correctly, that if I saw some of the meanings of the names and looked through some of the design images, I might feel inspired.
I noticed that they really dug deeper than some of the baby name websites out there. Most places had something lame, like fork (as in a road, not a utensil) and gave a different origin for Merrick's name. John told me it was Teutonic and meant "ruler of the sea." We actually did see that on *one* page when we were searching for a name for him, which is kind of why we chose it. Well, that and maybe the movie Timeline had something to do with it. John included Isaiah 52:7 for Merrick.
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bring good tidings, that publishes peace; that brings good tidings of good, that publishes salvation; that says unto Zion, Thy God reigneth.
I had similar responses to nearly all the names. We are excellent baby namers.
I remember when I was a girl and I headed off to kindergarten (and for years after), I did not like my name. I thought all the girls had nicer names than mine. Mom tells me I came home crying one day because my name was terrible. John's note was a great reminder for me.
Jodi - She who praises. Proverbs 22:4 By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life.She who praises. How could I not love my name? It's a great reminder.
I'm not sure now exactly what was said at what point, but I very clearly knew exactly what I would be getting and to whom it would go. I chose the Two Name Name Meaning Print for Couples and purchased a frame here at home. Then I sent it on to my Dad and Step-mom for their 40th (!) anniversary. I thought Harvest Fields made a great background. We all maybe (yes, still) get a chuckle out of them having the "same" name, but it really doesn't make any difference to us kids. We all call one or the other or both Mom or Dad. But there is sometimes confusion with other people. Usually, people who know them call them Mr. Gene and Mrs. Jean. The beautiful part about this name meaning print is that their names are the same, but the meanings and verses chosen for each of them were not the same. It's more like they compliment each other, as halves of a whole.
Aaaaaand I boxed it up and shipped it before I remembered I wanted a picture of it in the frame I picked up. Luckily, my niece is in cahoots with me and will take pictures for me once they open it.
and it's here! CrossTimber also sent me individual NameCards for each of them. You can see them in my dad's hand. They're about the size and thickness of a playing card and are full color and beautiful.
They loved it and thanked us for such a unique gift! Know how I know they *really* like it? It's going to Bible study with them tonight. Thanks, Dehnart family for such a lovely gift to recognize their 40th anniversary.
A lot of research goes into discovering the encouraging aspects of every name. Every name. Not just the more popular names. Get some insight into this process. It's quite fascinating how it all happens (and get a mini-language arts lesson on Greek words). You will learn a lot of interesting information about naming trends, roots, and variations. Name gifts from CrossTimber are somewhat unique in that you are also provided with a fitting Bible verse.
You can read the inspiring story about how name meaning research became John's passion. I just loved it and I could see some of the homeschooled kids I know coming up with something after similar interactions. Resourceful lot, no?
You may decide to purchase multiple name meaning gifts from CrossTimber. It sure wouldn't be unheard of! A discount is offered for orders of three or more items.
I have chatted with and emailed John several times over the last couple of weeks. He was happy to provide me with the name meanings for each of my boys, as well as various other family members, with no obligation. You can tell how enthusiastic the Dehnarts are about inspiring people to see the power and beauty in each and every name. In fact, asking about a name meaning is one of the ways to enter their Christmas Giftaway.
There will be TEN winners in the Christmas Giftaway! Winners will receive a free name gift item or a $10 gift certificate. Selection of winners will take place December 4, 2016. It's very easy to enter. Just click on the words above and follow the directions.
Find CrossTimber on social media.
I will leave you with this reminder of God's love for you!