In our homeschool this week…
We celebrated the first day of summer by having school on the back porch. Yes, the first day of summer and we still had school. Not only am I lazy, I'm a meanie and school year 'round. M and I have also decided to focus on math and character training this summer. I finished our read aloud, Little House on the Prairie.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week was Vacation Bible School. NSB had VBS in the evening which we've never done before. It was tiring. The boys did great. I was exhausted. By Friday, Mal was off in his own world at game time, but there was a good deal of cooperation and participation. Very nice.
My favorite thing this week was…
On the way home from VBS last night, Xav said he loved his teachers, Miss Mary and Miss Jackie. He loved them so much, he wished they were part of our family and they could go everywhere with us. That kid is such a sweetheart. I took that time to talk to him about all of us being part of God's big family and being brothers and sisters in Christ. He thought that was neat, but didn't help with his plan of taking them everywhere with us.
Things I’m working on…
Getting rid of stuff. We have too much stuff. Stuff is making us crazy and testy. We need less stuff. (Says the woman who ordered a cute little water table for Merrick with my Pampers points. *whistles* HEY! It was FREE!)
I’m praying for…
Friends affected by job loss and/or illness.
Well, this process was relatively painless. I think I can manage to use these writing prompts fairly regularly. It looks like a good way to keep me focused and timely writing for the blog and keeping track of what we have done. See you next week!
Hmmmm... I have no idea how to make the graphic clickable, so here are the separate link and image. If anyone wants to train this old dog a new trick, I'd love to learn how to do that.
The Homeschool Mother's Journal Link Up.